Sunday, June 25, 2006

Week #23: Another Week, Another Half Pound


Another half pound gone! This is great since I was on a business trip all last week. I find it VERY difficult to stay on plan while traveling. Just getting in all the water each day is a true struggle. I think that's because I pretty much have to talk the whole time, so I don't shut up long enough to take a sip. (And my hubby wonders why I'm so quiet when I get back from a trip!)

I plan to get back on the exercise wagon this week, now that my "sports injury" has officially healed. Plus, I'm leaving for vacation on Thursday, so I'm super-excited. Of course I'm running around like a mad woman trying to get everything done so I can leave with no worries. Wish me luck!

I met with some fellow NSers for lunch yesterday. As always, it was a lot of fun. I finally got to meet Pam, Fire and Jackie. Jackie is pretty new to NS and it was nice to see someone excited again. I think that helped re-motivate me.

I also got a TERRIFIC compliment on Friday of last week. I was going through the airport security line and I could tell that the TSA official was really comparing ids to faces. I knew I'd get a double-take since I'd been stopped on previous trips, but this time I got a triple-take. He looked at my license, then at me, then my license, then at me, then at my license (this time for a while) and then at me again. Finally, he said, "You've lost a lot of weight. Damn, you're HOT!" He he. I didn't kiss or hug him for saying it, but man, it was tempting. I've been floating on that compliment for a few days now.

Also, I FINALLY heard some news on the job front. It looks like things are starting to fall into place and I should have an offer in the very near future. How bad is that - go on vacation then come back and give notice? Knowing me I'll probably give a month notice anyway because the project I'm working on is SO close to being done. Plus, I don't want to dump the project on my fellow co-workers. I know, I know . . . I'm too nice. Maybe I'll just give enough notice that the guy on which the project will be dumped has a chance to get his vacation in. I'd hate it if he had to cancel it because of me.

Okay, well, I'm off to try and get the 100 things on my list done today. If anyone is bored and needs something to do, holler . . . I can probably find a task for you.

With friendship,


Saturday, June 17, 2006

Week #22: Trying Really Hard to Get Back on Track



I'm trying so hard to get back on that treadmill track. In fact, to help motivate myself, I purchased some new running shoes and one of those fancy Enell sports bras that everyone is raving about. That did the trick - I managed to get on the treadmill last Sunday and ran part of the way. Felt GREAT! In fact, I was so proud of myself, I decided that I would set a goal to do it at least 3 times per week. (I figured the "you have to do this everyday" voice needed to be shushed with the "it's okay to do it three times a week" voice. More on that in a minute . . .)

When I took off my shoes, I had a HUGE blister on my left heal. OUCH! Now, when I say huge, I mean like it covers the entire heal, huge. I must not have had my shoe tight enough or something. WAH! I tried to give it another go on Thursday, but I couldn't even stand to walk with anything touching my heal - even with several layers of bandaids. So, on the down side, my exercise has been limited to stretching and resistance training (still good, of course) but on the up side I officially have my very first sports-related injury!

Boy, my dad would probably be proud of me that I actually have some type of sports-related injury. But, it's about making myself proud, not my dad. (Nope - not going there today . . . )

So, back to the voices inside my head. . .

I'm a member of the Jazzman's Boardroom, (great support site, by the way. Check out the link on the right.), and there was a post from one of our members that was feeling pretty down on herself and the diet. I could TOTALLY relate to her. It's like you know what you have to do to be successful, but sometimes you just don't want to do it. Some days you just resent the fact that you have to work this hard for what seems to come so easily for others. This is especially hard in my house since my wonderful husband barley weighs 125 when fully clothed, wet, and wearing steel-toed boots.

Anywho, I was reading her posts and the responses. One post in particular caught my eye. Basically, she said that, sometimes 80% is good enough. This really hit me right between my eyes.

I'm very much a perfectionist. Throughout my life I have tried things and quickly given them up because I didn't immediately master them and become the best at whatever it was that I was doing. I can list hundreds of things I've tried, and I won't bore you with the details, but weight loss is definately on the list. It seems like if I'm not 100% on plan, 100% on exercise, 100% on water, a little voice starts nagging me about my shortcomings.

Well, this post got me to thinking . . . yeah, I'm only doing 80% at times, but what if I were doing 0%? I'd be just as big as I was last November, or possibly even bigger.

So, I decided to create a new voice in my head - one that was fun and encouraging; one that could shut the other voice up. The new voice tells me that 80% is a success and that anything above that is that much better. The new voice pushes me in a positive way - "Wow! You lost one pound this week being 80%! Imagine what you could have lost if you were 85%!" and "Wow, you exercised three times this week! Way to go!" The new voice also makes me smile . . . I've given it a valley girl accent, so it's really like "OH MY GAWD! You like TOTALLY lost like one whole pound! Like WOW!" It also says stuff like "Gag me with a spoon" when the office orders in pizza. I know. It's dorky. But it helps me keep a sense of humor about this whole thing.

Okay . . . hearing voices in my head . . .talking like a valley girl . . .

You guys think I'm crazy, don't you?

With friendship,


Saturday, June 10, 2006

Week #21: Serious Lack of Motivation Here


I knew it was bound to happen.

I knew the day would come when I would begin to struggle with this weight loss thing.

But, I didn't expect it to show up so soon. I mean, I figured it would start getting hard to lose the weight when I got to around 160 - you know - closer to goal. But, here I am, still 60 pounds away from my target, and the weight is just not coming off. I know, I know - I had a 2 pound loss last week so the half a pound up this week is probably just my body adjusting.

I know that.

But, I miss those days in the first few months where I consistently lost between 2 - 2.5 pounds every week without fail. I honestly believed I would have at least 2-3 more months of that before I hit the yo-yo days.

I talked to Vince about it last night - you know, trying to really evaluate what I was doing and determine if there was room for improvement. There is, of course. I have been terrible on the exercise front. I don't know why . . . yes, I hate the "I need to exercise" tune going on in my head and I can't wait for it to be over when I'm doing it, but if feels great and I'm proud of myself when it's over. For a while there I was really consistent, but once I fell off the wagon I fell hard. I've made some half-hearted attempts over the past few months and have had periods where I did well, but lately - BLAH!!!!!

So, you know me, I started trying to psycho-analyze myself. Why won't I exericse when I know that is a huge key to my success?

Do I really hate exercise? Well, no, I don't hate it, but it's not my favorite thing. But it beats work.

Does it hurt when I exercise? No. It may hurt the treadmill some, but I have good shoes now and a bra that keeps the girls in place when I try to run. Also, the knees don't hurt since I've dropped enough weight.

Do I have the tools available to me to exercise? Yes. No excuse there! Although, I'd like some of those pink Nike running shoes . . .

Do I feel bad after exercising? No. Quite the opposite! I feel GREAT! POWERFUL! ENERGETIC!

Okay, so the act of exercising is NOT the problem . . .

Perhaps I am just scared of losing the weight. There, I said it.

I've been overweight for such a long time, it's part of my personality. I know that statement may sound strange, but it's true. I'm the funny girl that's everyone's friend. I've NEVER been the "hot girl" or the "pretty girl". (I may have been the "cute girl" at one point, but that was long ago.) So, I guess part of me is a little nervous about how that will feel. I mean, I am my own worst critic (who isn't) and I hope that, when I lose the weight, I'll be less self-deprecating. But, what if I'm not?

Think of my weight as my emotional armor. I've always used it as a crutch for blame when things didn't go my way.

Boyfriend broke up with me - it wasn't me; he's a jerk because I'm a little heavy.

Didn't get the promotion/job - it wasn't my qualifications; it's because I'm overweight.

Didn't get the great raise that a coworker got - it wasn't my performance; it's because the coworker isn't fat.

See what I mean?

I guess that, if I lose the weight, I'll be forced to face up to the fact that not everything is about my weight. (I probably need to face up to the fact that not everything in life is about ME, but that's a challenge for another day.) Perhaps I'm just not ready for that?

So, point #1 - need to exercise more.

Let' me refine that a bit.

Point #1 - Make the commitment to exercise daily and DO IT.

Now, the other element is the diet. I've been pretty good on that front, but I've been doing the plan with my own food. I was going to switch to my own food once I got to the 3/4 mark, but I had to do it sooner because it was getting pretty expensive. I kind of feel like a kid that thad their blankee taken away a little prematurely. Basically, when I had the NS foods available, I didn't have to think - pick from bucket A, B, C or D. Also, I could look at the food and see that what was there had to last a month. With it being as expensive as it is, it truly helped me stop any cheating.

Now I find myself thinking about food more, which is usually not a good thing for me. I'm also more likely to cheat a bit because I know I can just run to the store and get some more. And, (this one's a biggie) now that I'm obsessing about food again, it feels like more of a diet that a lifestyle change, and I'm spending less time thinking about all that crap I need to think about to get through this emotional stuff I'm trying to figure out.

So, point #2 - get back on the NS foods as soon as the summer is over. (Our expenses should go down then.)

The final element that Vince and I discussed was my job. I'm a walking stress ball. (Which is a really good reason to exercise, right?) But, in the past I've dealt with stress by eating. So, I'm more tempted to eat the bad stuff than I would be if I was in a less stressful situation.

Point #3 - find a less stressful job. I've been working on this point for a while. If you've been a reader for a while, you know I'm working on something with my former employer. But, it has been 8 months since the first discussion with them, and I'm losing patience. I can't keep my life on hold forever. So, if I don't hear back from them by July 14, (one week after my vacation), I'm officially starting the job search.

So, there it is. Now that I know WHAT I need to do, I need to do it.

With friendship,


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

You Know You're Not Spending Enough Time On Yourself When . . .


. . . you find yourself shaving your legs in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

So, here's the entire story . . . .

I decided last night that I was going to soak in a bubble bath with a glass of wine (and shave my legs). But, the minute I got in the bath I was barraged with questions from the hubby and requests from the kid. Even the cats decided they needed to "watch" me take my bath. (Maybe it was the bubbles?) So, after about 5 minutes of this I decided that a long soak was not in the cards for me, so I did what I needed to do and ended the experience early.

Fast forward to this morning as I'm driving to work. I am wearing capri pants and reach down to scratch my leg. OH MY GOODNESS! I FORGOT TO SHAVE!

Now, this is really NOT that terrible in the grand scheme of things, but I cannot STAND to be wearing shorts or capris and have hairy legs.

I get a brilliant idea . . . I can stop at the store on the way in and take care of things.

So, I pull over at the Wal-Mart, go inside and buy a razor and some Dasani. (I also pick up a few other things so it doesn't look so strange - LOL!)

I go out to my car and, while hanging my legs out the driver's side door, I pour VERY COLD water on them and begin the shaving process. I'm pretty sure that I received many a strange look from passing cars. Perhaps they thought I was homeless?

Anyway, I finish up and, you guessed it, RAZOR BURN. I also managed to cut my left leg pretty badly. So, I fished in my purse and pulled out hand lotion and began the application process. Now, this lotion has some type of perfume in it that smells like . . . well . . . like an old lady. I remember that I had picked it up as a sample on a business trip and meant to toss it out! Add to this the fact that I have pretty sensitive skin . . . and we have major pain on our hands.

So, now we have legs that are ON FIRE, bleeding, stink to high heaven and are covered with burn marks. Sexy, eh?

Perhaps the hairy look would have been better? I mean, did I really think my co-workers would notice? And, if they did, would they have said something? Keep in mind that one of my coworkers has a bag-o-eyeballs on his desk . . .

I started back to work (made it on time, by the way) and started thinking . . . all of this drama could have been avoided if I had simply been allowed 15 minutes to enjoy my bath last night. Since I'm going through my mid-life crisis and am over-evaluating EVERYTHING, I start to think about the other areas of my life where I sacrifice time spent on me. I do it every hour of every day.

I think this may be very common among women. (And I'm sure there are some men out there that do this also, but I haven't met him yet.) Why do we do this? Is it genetic programming that keeps us from pampering ourselves? Or, is it because we have low self-images and somehow feel that we are not worthy of spending time on ourselves?

I don't know what the answer is . . . I'll have to ponder it more. But, I do know that I want to change this pattern of behavior in myself, and I intend to start today.

So, all my friends out there, take time to do something for yourself today, lest you find yourself shaving your legs in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

With friendship,


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Week #20 Down


I can't believe it! I dropped 2 pounds this week. It has been a while since I've dropped that much. Lately I've had to be happy with a half a pound or a pound, but 2? WOO HOO!

I'm particularly pround because this week has been tough. I mean, like wanting to give up tough. I don't know if it's the job that's getting to me and causing everything else to seem impossible, or if I'm just tired of having to watch what I eat. NS was SOOOOOOOOOO much easier when I was using their food. Doing it with your own food adds an extra layer of complexity. You have to be more aware of what you are eating througout the day versus just eating out of the correct category. But, I am pretty pround of myself that I'm still able to lose while eating regular food.

Part of me thinks, "Wow! 36 pounds since starting NS!" Another part of me things, "Only 36 pounds?" It feels like I've been doing this FOREVER but it has really only been a few months. Lately I'm having to really remind myself that this isn't an overnight cure. I didn't put it on in 20 weeks so it's not coming off in 20 weeks. But, I'm ready to get to the finish line, know what I mean? I know that I'm learning a lot about myself as I go through this and that my body and brain NEED the time, but that driving part of my personality just wants to be done. I'm ready to buy new clothes because I'm sick of having "baggy butt" syndrome. I guess I'm tried of feeling sloppy.

On another note, I have some serious vacation time coming up at the end of the month. Jake and I will be going to Kansas to see my mom for 9 days. Vince is thrilled - he loves having the house to himself - LOL! I can't wait. I really need a mental break and I only seem to get that when I actually leave town.

So, how's everyone else doing?

With friendship,
