Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Week #2: Repeat


Okay, so week one was not stellar scale-wise. When I look back, I realize I did not set myself up to be successful. I pretty much forgot the NS plan and didn't bother to look it up again until mid-week. Sure enough, I "mis-remembered" a few points. Also, I didn't prepare my pantry. Instead of stocking the house with the good stuff, I still had the bad stuff. So, when hunger struck and it was time to eat some chopped-up veggies, I was left with potato chips. I did try my best, but there were a few stressors this week as well (ex: Vince losing his job and a birthday party). All-in-all I'm actually happy that I did not gain.

Also, even though I only walked one day, I did manage to shed 1.75 inches. So, hey, rather than beating myself up, I'll just go back to step one and start again.

Now, I just need to get my fitness routine figured out again. I'm having a VERY hard time forcing myself to take it easy. I'm mentally ready to do my swim, bike and run routine, but everything I've read is telling me I need to take it VERY easy. Common sense is telling me that I need to be walking 5 miles three times a week before I start jogging again and that I really should not try biking until at least January. I do NOT want to injure myself and everything I've read says my ligaments will still be loose for at least another three months.


For those of you that know me, you know how much this is driving me crazy. I am such a planner and have a hard time letting go of my plans. When I look at what my triathlon-related goals were for 2007 and 2008 and see where I am now, I get frustrated. My natural reaction is to double-up and make up lost ground, but that would just lead to injury, which would set me back further. I'm trying to tell myself that everything has just shifted by one year, but it's hard to let go of wanting to do my first ironman by age 40. So what if I do it at 41. The point is that I plan to do it. I just need that nagging little voice to SHUT UP! :)

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