Saturday, May 06, 2006

Week #16 - ONEDERLAND!


Yeah, you heard me.

I'm in ONEDERLAND, baby! And it feels great!

I tell ya, I've been doing the happy dance all day. I feel like I could just shout because I'm so thrilled! Maybe being stuck for those 4 weeks has helped make this sweeter . . . who knows?

Okay, so, next week I'll be traveling to Ohio on a business trip, and I'm worried. I'm not worried about the food, because I know I can handle that . . . I proved it on my last trip when I came back home with a 5 pound loss. What I'm worried about is exercise.

You see, before my last trip (back in February) I had gotten into a very good routine. When I went on the business trip I fell out of it because (a) the hotel we stay at doesn't have exercise facilities, (b) we end up working pretty late because we're with the client all day and have to work in the evenings, and (c) I don't have a DVD player in my laptop to bring along exercise DVDs.

After that last trip I just could NOT get back into the routine. In fact, it has only been in the last two weeks that I've re-established the routine, and now I have to break it again.

So, I'm counting on my blog buddies to give me a good kick in the butt next Saturday so that I'll get back on track.

With friendship,



Jesi said...

Congrats Care!!! Keep up the great work and thanks so much for your kind words for me and my family!

Caré said...

You're welcome, Jesi. I hope everything turns out well for you.
