Saturday, June 03, 2006

Week #20 Down


I can't believe it! I dropped 2 pounds this week. It has been a while since I've dropped that much. Lately I've had to be happy with a half a pound or a pound, but 2? WOO HOO!

I'm particularly pround because this week has been tough. I mean, like wanting to give up tough. I don't know if it's the job that's getting to me and causing everything else to seem impossible, or if I'm just tired of having to watch what I eat. NS was SOOOOOOOOOO much easier when I was using their food. Doing it with your own food adds an extra layer of complexity. You have to be more aware of what you are eating througout the day versus just eating out of the correct category. But, I am pretty pround of myself that I'm still able to lose while eating regular food.

Part of me thinks, "Wow! 36 pounds since starting NS!" Another part of me things, "Only 36 pounds?" It feels like I've been doing this FOREVER but it has really only been a few months. Lately I'm having to really remind myself that this isn't an overnight cure. I didn't put it on in 20 weeks so it's not coming off in 20 weeks. But, I'm ready to get to the finish line, know what I mean? I know that I'm learning a lot about myself as I go through this and that my body and brain NEED the time, but that driving part of my personality just wants to be done. I'm ready to buy new clothes because I'm sick of having "baggy butt" syndrome. I guess I'm tried of feeling sloppy.

On another note, I have some serious vacation time coming up at the end of the month. Jake and I will be going to Kansas to see my mom for 9 days. Vince is thrilled - he loves having the house to himself - LOL! I can't wait. I really need a mental break and I only seem to get that when I actually leave town.

So, how's everyone else doing?

With friendship,



Jesi said...

Congrats Care!
Its great to see the success you have had with NS and w/o. I'm still fighting there with you. I'm definately back in the game (although not 100%) and in the last three days I already feel better about myself again.

You are right about the learning. You learn more than you ever realized there was to learn about yourself when you really sit down the anylize that is going on.

Have fun visiting mommy and being on vaca!!!

heavenlydm said...

Yea-ya Care! I only did NS food for a month, and then integrated real food. Once you get the hang of all the equivalents it's a lot less work - you know what you can and can't eat and when and when not to do it. It'll start coming.

The nice thing is, even though it feels like's coming off! Good for you!