Monday, January 01, 2007

Week #50: Happy New Year


Wow. Another year has come and gone.

I love this time of year. All the holidays are over and the tempting food is gone. And, it's the first day of a "do-over" or a "do-better."

In the past I've avoided making resolutions . . . especially if they had anything to do with my weight. But this year is different. While last year I focused on getting started on the weight loss journey, this year I resolve to finish it. I also resolve to mark some of those "to dos" off my list. So, here's my 2007 list:

-Lose the rest of the weight - 48 pounds
-Compete in a sprint triathlon
-Compete in at least two 5Ks
-Complete in at least one 10K
-Improve my swimming technique
-Build cycling distance
-Finish working on the house

Okay, that should keep me busy.

With friendship,


1 comment:

Jesi said...

Hey Care - Happy new year and congrats on making it 1/2 way to your goal.
I hope this year brings great things to you and your family.
Also, I have a 50-clicks coupon if you want it (I think its one of those $10 off coupons at NS). Just drop me a quick note at and give me your email address.
Take care (no pun intended!).