Saturday, May 20, 2006

Week #18: Another 1.5 Gone!


I'm happy to report a 1.5 pound loss this week. HORRAY! I'm only 3 pounds away from my next mini-goal.

I had the opportunity to have dinner last night with a few fellow NS members. I met Neil, Denise, Tonya and So for the first time in person and we had a great time. It was so nice to be with a group of people that understand the struggles you are going through, have been through, or are about to face. I normally don't "warm up" to people very quickly, but it was like I'd known these four forever! I hope we do it again soon.

This weekend my big task is to try and remove some clutter from my life. For some reason, I never want to let go of anything, but it's time to move out the old so that the new can come my way. DH better watch out because he may just be one of those old things I toss out - HA HA! I'm just tired of being surrounded by stuff that needs to be maintained and that no longer brings me joy. I guess it's time for a yard sale . .

Have a great weekend, everyone!

With friendship,



heavenlydm said...

Yeah for you! You'll be a skinny-mini in no time. Oh, I meant a healthy-mini :)

heavenlydm said...

Ugh...I meant healthier-mini :)

Emily said...

Great job on another 1.5 gone! NS gatherings are the best. It's really fun to meet other people who are going through the same things we are. Too bad I'm not closer to Texas!