Monday, February 18, 2008

Week #3: No Words

I'm at 210.

I am pissed at myself. Really, really pissed.

No excuses.

I am just not doing what I need to do to get where I want to go.


Sue said...

It must be something in the air these days...we all are struggling right now.

I like your "cookie exchange" in the previous post. I've had that one myself many, many times.

Why do we continue to do what we shouldn't do? I wish I had the answer. It must be something so in-grained in us that it will take a bulldozer to get it out.

Keep plugging along....I know that I am!

Bob said...

It happens. Each of us has a bad week and last week was yours. Let's get back at it, okay?

Emily said...

Put that bad week in the past and show yourself that you can do it this week. We're all behind you. You CAN do this.