Thursday, January 26, 2006

7 lbs Gone! Mini-Goal Met!


I stepped on the scale this morning to find that I'm down to 224.5! That means I've met and passed my mini-goal of 225, and have lost a total of 7 lbs! I am so thrilled! I feel better, my clothing is loose, and I'm more energetic! For the first time in a very long time I'm not feeling depressed.

2006 will be my year, baby!

Watch out 220... I'm out to get you next!

With friendship,


1 comment:

Caré said...

Hi montana_gal! Thanks for stopping by!

Congratulations on your success so far! I know how great that feels!

I know I struggle from time to time with doing the "right thing" but I try to remember why I'm doing this. Yes, I'd much rather have a slice of pizza and I'd probably do something unethical for a cheeseburger right now, but I try to remind myself each day of why I'm doing this.

I know that I will have setbacks along the way. I've done enough dieting in my life to know this is a fact. But, I figure I didn't get this way overnight, so I won't lose it all overnight either.

I also know what you mean about being afraid of success. For so long my weight has been my shield . . . my protector. I can't tell you how many times that I've blamed stuff on my weight. If I didn't get that promotion, it was because I was fat. If my boyfriend dumped me, it was because I was fat. I think I used my weight to keep me from truly evaluating myself. I mean, maybe I didn't get the promotion because I wasn't qualified! DUH!

Oh wow. . . I'm writing another book here!

Just know that you are not alone in this, and that there are lots of us that are going through the same things. Hang in there. You WILL be successful.

With friendship,
