Friday, January 27, 2006

No More Waiting


Okay . . . so you know how I've been going through a mid-life crisis lately? (At least that's what I think it is - LOL!) I realized something yesterday. I have been putting my life on hold.

For example, I've always wanted to learn how to do X or Y, but I never have bothered because of my weight. I constantly tell myself that I'll do that when I lose weight.


Sure, I don't look good in a bathing suit and I would not be willing to bellydance in public, but why can't I do those things now? And, who knows, maybe doing some of those things will help the weight come off. (Yes, I know this seems obvious . . . and I feel pretty stupid for just now figuring it out. I guess the blinders I've had on about my weight have affected other areas of my life as well.)

So, as part of embracing this new and ever-improving Care', I decided to start doing some of those things on my list that I've been putting off. The first thing I'm going to do is take up bellydancing. Now, I'm not ready to take a class yet and I'm certainly not ready to perform for others, but I can start the learning process in the privacy of my own home. And, when my new body is here, I WILL be ready to show off my new skill.

Some other things on my list include:
-Go swimming IN PUBLIC during the summer. I use to love swimming as a kid and I miss it.
-Learn how to scuba dive. I've always wanted to do this.
-Go skydiving. Just once should be enough, but it's on the top 10 list.
-Take trips. I love going to topical places, but never do b/c of the whole swimsuit issue.

There's definately more stuff on the list, but that's a good start for now. I've ordered my bellydancing DVDs and finger cymbals, so as soon as they arrive in the mail - WATCH OUT!

Oh, and I did mention to Vince that I was taking up bellydancing. He's quite excited. . . LOL!

With friendship,


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