Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Getting so close . . .


I weighed this morning and I'm down another 1 lb, so only 1 more to go until I reach my next mini-goal of 215. 215 has been the weight I've actually admitted to! Something about 215 is so exciting. I think it's because I've lost 15.5 lbs in 4 1/2 weeks, so I could potentially weigh less than 200 in another 4 1/2 more! That would put me at under 200 by March 20.

I am so happy I have decided to take charge of my weight as well as some of those other issues in my life. It's been an emotional experience with highs and lows, but I feel so much more empowered that I have before.

As part of the ever-evolving me, I treated myself to a rather expensive hair cut last weekend - took off about 5 inches. I now have short hair! It's amazing how many compliments I have been getting. I guess that hair was weighing me down too. I am doing a follow-up appointment on Saturday to get some hi- and lo- lights added in, so that should be fun. It feels so decadent to actually treat myself. I normally take care of everyone else first.

I know I still need to post some before pics, but I haven't quite figured out how to do it yet. I'll get some recent pics as well so you can see the new "do" and my progress so far. I'm not sure how noticable a 14 lb loss will be, but if feels noticable to me.

On another front we're getting close to having heat again. I don't think I've mentioned this, but our house caught on fire back in December. It turned out that our heating unit is what caught on fire, so that and all the duct work had to be removed. Our house had fir downs, so that also meant that the ceilings had to be removed in order to remove the duct work. It's been quite a journey, but all the duct work is finished and the new heating and A/C units were delivered yesterday. They will be installed over the next few days. I thank the Lord that my uncle does this for a living and has been so generous to do everything for us at cost. Our insurance check barely covered the duct work, much less the units and ceiling repairs. I'm also very fortunate that Vince is a master carpenter, so we've done all of the work ourselves. (Hey, I help . . . I bring him his hammer and a Pepsi when he needs it!)

So, I'm getting close on a few things -
-Close to meeting my next mini-goal
-Close to onederland
-Close to having heat again
-Close to having my house back in order (it's a construction zone right now!)
-Close to resolving some "stuff" that I've avoided for a very long time.

Take care!

With friendship,


1 comment:

Karon said...

Keep up the GREAT work. You've accomplished a lot in a short time. I'm proud of you!