Thursday, February 02, 2006

Yo-Yo Scale


Did you know I have a special scale? I sure do! It does tricks and everything!

As you probably know already I weigh every day. Well, this week (week #3 on NS) my scale is taking on a new trick. One day I'm down 2 lbs, the next day I'm up 3. The following day I'm down 2 again, and then up .5 the day after that. GRRRRRR! :)

I know that body weight fluctuates and that it's perfectly normal. I also know my body is trying to adjust to the 8.5 lb weight loss.

I know that . . .

But I want the scale to go DOWN! LOL!

So, I weighed this morning and I'm down to 222. FINALLY, the scale started to behave again . . .

-1.5 lbs more to go to reach 10 lb loss
-2 lbs more to go to reach my next mini-goal of 220

With friendship,


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