Saturday, February 18, 2006

Week #5 Results


The results are in and I've lost 1.5 lbs this week. That puts me at 215.5 with a total loss of 16 lbs! And . . . I'm only .5 lbs away from my mini-goal.

Remember I was telling you about my pants getting too big? Well, I ordered a pair of size 16's off of ebay last week, and then worried that they wouldn't fit yet. When I got home from work yesterday they had arrived, so I decided to go ahead and give them a try. The whole time I'm getting ready to try them on I'm psyching myself up . . . "they may not fit yet, but that's okay" or "if you can get them past your hips that's a great accomplishment." Imagine my surprise when I found that, they not only fit, but they are already a tad too big!

So, being super-excited, I decided to try on an old pair of 14's that somehow survived the last Goodwill sweep. I pull them on, they went past my knees . . . they went past my hips . . . they went up to my waist! I couldn't button them, but it felt great to get that far. I figure another 5-7 lbs and those jeans will fit too!

On another front I believe I had mentioned that pizza is one of those foods that I really, really miss. Well, my uncle and one of his employees have been at my house the last few nights installing our new heating unit. Vince called me before I got home to let me know that he had ordered pizza for the crew and to give me time to build my resolve. I got home and the pizzas arrived a few minutes later. I let the guys eat (including Jake) hoping they would eat it all, because I knew that if there was one little sad pepperioni left, I was going to have it. Of course, there were a few slices left.

I thought about it for a few minutes and decided that I wanted to eat some pizza. I did some self reflection to make sure . . .

Do I want the pizza because I had a bad day? No.
Do I want the pizza because I am feeling down? No.
Do I want the pizza because I don't feel like cooking? No.
Do I want the pizza because it will somehow make me feel better? No.

Why do I want the pizza? Because I want to enjoy the taste of it and because I am hungry.

So, I decided to have some. I ate it. It tasted good, but it wasn't great. In fact, it was a bit disappointing. (I think my taste buds have changed). A few minutes later I felt extremely bloated and tired. I ended up dozing off at 8:00 p.m.!

I'm glad I ate it because it now no longer has any "power" over me. I don't miss pizza one little bit now, so that is a temptation I will never have to worry about again. Now I need to get over the power of a Whataburger with Cheese and Jalepenos!

I'm so exicted and pleased with my results so far. I can't wait to see what the next 5 weeks hold!

With friendship,


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