Saturday, February 04, 2006

Week #3 Results


Week #3 is over and I lost 1 lb. I was really hoping to lose 1.5 so I could hit the 10 lb mark, but I had that problem with the Yo-Yo scale this week - LOL! But, hey, I'll take a 1 lb loss. That means I've shed 9.5 lbs total!

I do have a little victory to share. Yesterday my office bought pizza for everyone. My office is right next to the conference room where the pizza party was held and it was TOUGH! I contemplated taking my celery and carrots into the room so I could eat with everyone, but decided that would be pushing the temptation just a little too far. So, I sat at my desk, listened to music and tried to focus on work. It wasn't easy, but I did it!

I was so proud of myself that I managed to survive that experience. I knew pizza would be tough for me as it's one of my favorites. If I can pass on that, then I can do anything!

With friendship,


1 comment:

Caré said...

Hey JakesNana,

Don't I know you from somewhere? LOL!

With friendship,
